Activity REgistration

Please sign up for activities below.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Speaker: Catalina Gregg

All ladies, teens, & guests are warmly invited to join us. 

Daughters are welcome! No childcare provided.

Please Sign Up Here

2024/2025 Child/Youth REgistration Form

At the start of each school year, parents are asked to update information on each of their children so we have accurate information on any medical conditions, insurance, and who is allowed to pick up a child. We also ask for a media release. Every child must have an updated registration form in order to participate in CBC activities. 

Please complete the registration form below for each of your children aged infant through high school. 

If you filled out the 2021, 2022, or 2023 Child/Youth Registration Form in a previous year and there are no changes this year, you may fill out the 2024/2025 Child/Youth Certificate of No Change instead.

2024/2025 Child/Youth Registration Form

2024/2025 Child/Youth certificate of no change

Interested in Becoming a CBC Member?

Have you been attending CBC for a while? Are you interested in becoming a member of our church? Complete the form linked below and we will let you know when a new membership class is starting.

I Want to Become a Member