Welcome to Calvary Bible Church

Compassion International Sponsorship

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.”

-Proverbs 19:17

In a world where nearly 400 million children live on less than $1.90 a day, child sponsorship is a strategic way to provide children with compassion, resources, and hope. We have partnered with our friends at Compassion International to create a unique child pool for Calvary Bible Church. We offer the chance to select and sponsor children in the same country as many of our supported missionaries while giving you an opportunity to share your faith and the gospel internationally.

Release a child from poverty and be a blessing!

If you have questions about CBC's involvement with Compassion International, please contact the Missions Committee at missionscommittee@calvarybiblechurchnj.org   


Virtual reality experience at

calvary bible church

Station 1

Welcome, sign in, and receive your Compassion Brazil Passport

Station 2

Learn about the Sousa Family; what they eat, their needs, how they live, stamp your passport along the way.

station 3

Virtual Reality Experience! 

see what life is like for the Sousa family. 

Station 4

Pray for your child and begin your relationship

through sponsorship and letter writing.

CBC Missions committee